Communicate from your strengths

Many people negatively compare how they communicate with the kind of people who are able to naturally stand up in front of an audience and get their message across fluently. Very few of us have that strength, however, but we can learn to communicate eloquently from our own strengths. Here’s how.

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Miles Protter
Have you hit a plateau in your career?

It's a pretty good sign you have if you’re languishing, and have you've lost enthusiasm, desire, energy, and excitement for the future. A few of us react to the discomfort by making rash, even destructive choices. Some of us swap out the old job for a new one hoping it will be different (except we bring ourselves along!). Most of us simply contract waiting for something to happen.

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Miles Protter
Listening 4.0 - Generous listening shapes how others speak

Generous listening is a potent leadership skill, yet I rarely hear it mentioned by any of the fancy journals. We have the ability to make people shrivel up and feel stupid and worthless or feel confident and free to express themselves intelligently, simply in how we listen. It is a big responsibility so here's how generous listening works. Let's put it into practice.

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Miles Protter
listening 3.0 - how to help people solve their own problems

So many of us default to giving advice when a colleague or customer is struggling with an issue. Learning how to ask good questions gives the power back to them. If we're patient they will come up with their own solutions, which will be better than anything we can think of! Empowering others builds trust, relationship, collaboration and discretionary effort. Here's how

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Miles Protter