When Leaders Listen We Change The World

We all recognise that listening is important in our personal lives. But it makes a huge difference to us at work. Not only are we more effective because we're actually paying attention, we understand others so much better and can respond more effectively.

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Miles Protter
How to deal with bad news well / Part 3

The only way to transform bad news into action is to take responsibility for what happened, even if it's not our fault. When we take responsibility we're saying, "I can do something about this problem. It's not bigger than me." Here's how to do it.

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Miles Protter
Hanging on too long - principle 2: Fear keeps us stuck

In a recent video I talked about the downside of hanging on to a job for too long. People asked me to go into more details about the five principles for how to address the situation. Here I discuss the second: Hanging on too long out of fear prevents us from confronting reality and exploring what is possible.

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Miles Protter
Men, let's be women’s champions

A chef I know recently told me about an incident involving a senior manager who declared to her, and others, that women do not belong ‘on the line’ in the kitchen. “I was outraged,” she exclaimed. “He thinks women can be pastry chefs but that’s it. Then my boss told him, ‘Look at her! She’s one of our best people, only 20 and working on the line.’ Countless women with the right qualifications, talent, experience and drive have been told by men that ‘they don’t belong’.

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Miles Protter
The Curse of Busy-ness

I’m hard wired to be busy. It’s enabled me to achieve a lot but has often distracted me from addressing important issues as a leader, the urgent being favoured over real priorities. It also cost me personally to the point where I decided to leave two jobs. In this blog for a men’s on-line publication I wrestle with the problem of busy-ness and how I’m trying to address it.

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Miles Protter
why is humility so hard for leaders (especially men)? - VIDEO

why is humility so hard for leaders (especially men)? Humility is a positive leadership trait, especially when compared to 'strong leaders' who try to get things done through bullying, control, attention seeking and domination. But humility is hard. In my case I've got to stop thinking I'm right all the time. It seems I have to relearn it every day! In this video I share a story of being utterly humiliated, but fortunately the experience has led to freedom not to take myself so seriously and be more compassionate. I hope you enjoy it and maybe have a laugh (even if it's at my expense)

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Miles Protter
When is the right time to seek out a mentor?

Sometimes we're so in the swirl of life and work, just headbutting our way through, we don't even know we need support. Peter Harold, Managing Director of Poseidon Nickel, talks about the moment he realised there was no one he could talk to about some big business challenges, and decided to seek out out a mentor.

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Miles Protter