How to retain great people

Your best people want development. Not just training or new skills but intentional development of the whole person so they’re prepared for whatever the future might bring. Here is my take.

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Miles Protter
The disappearing future

You’ve fulfilled your career aspirations and are working at peak effectiveness but for some reason you’re dissatisfied, bored or even anxious. There’s nothing wrong, just that your future has disappeared!

Watch this to find out more.

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Miles Protter
Sometimes all you've got is your stand

Our expectations of the future can constrain us when they get baked into our thinking, planning, and behaviour. We’re certain it’s gonna happen and sure enough, it does. Creating a different future requires stepping outside what we know and taking a stand for something we don’t know how to do.

Here’s a great example.

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Miles Protter
Generous listening shapes how others speak

Generous listening is a potent leadership skill, yet I rarely hear it mentioned by any of the fancy journals. We have the ability to make people shrivel up and feel stupid and worthless or feel confident and free to express themselves intelligently, simply in how we listen. It is a big responsibility so here's how generous listening works.

Let's put it into practice.

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Miles Protter
Why I drive a Banger

Although I sometimes envy the amazing cars others drive, I keep reminding myself that my banged-up old Honda is the result of values-based choices my wife and I started making 25 years ago.

It’s been a challenge but ultimately satisfying.

Please watch to find out more.

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Miles Protter
The Cliff of Irrelevance

Many of us face the Cliff of Irrelevance at the end of our careers (and often before). What will our lives be about when the status, achievement, and busyness are gone? We must have the courage to jump off the cliff and learn how to fall well.

Have a watch to find out more.

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Miles Protter
Blaming people prevents us from learning

Organizations are hard-wired to blame individuals for errors because it’s so easy. We love punishing scapegoats. But we miss an opportunity to learn and fix the broken systems, processes, culture, leadership, and safeguards that have let us down.

Here’s another way.

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Miles Protter
Helping others be more effective

Sometimes the people we work with struggle with their performance, like productivity, schedule, quality, safety, communication, or relationships.
It’s tempting to tell them to do something different, but there is a better way.

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Miles Protter